What is it all about then?

Luminous hall

What's the meaning of life?

by Tad Boniecki

Posted on 9 June, 2000.

I think I can say what isn't the meaning of life.

It is not about "winning" as against "losing". Life is not a competition and no-one is going to award us a prize for our life.

It is not about amassing wealth, for possession is a momentary pleasure that soon becomes empty. It is passive and does not engage us.

It is not about being powerful and telling others what to do, or imposing our way of doing things. This is just an ego-boost, and the ego does not make us happy in the long term.

It is not about pleasure either, as pleasure is momentary and we soon grow tired of it. It too is not really satisfying.

It is not about trying everything life has to offer, because that is simply not possible.

It is not about being famous or getting into the history books. Fame is at best a mixed blessing and is utterly empty anyway. As for history, none of us really matters all that much, especially when you think that there are 7 billion people on the planet. Even the major figures of the past will one day be forgotten.

I don't think it is about raising a family either. For if the meaning of our life is to create other human beings then what is the meaning of their life?


I think the meaning of life is something that is self-sufficient, something that does not point to, lead to, or prepare for something else. It cannot be a means to anything, but must be an end. (I'll never forget the definition of a "hobby" given in one of Robert Altman's films: "Something you do for no reason".)

Perhaps it is found in what I call a "Faustian moment". Recall that in Goethe's drama, the Devil made a bargain under which Faust would get to keep a moment he wanted to have for ever, in exchange for his soul. Things did not turn out well for Faust, but I think that life is about having such self-sufficient moments, when we do not want anything other than what we have at the time. Note that I use the word 'moment', as the experience, if we have it at all, is fleeting.

I know I still haven't answered the question.

I believe love is the key. I mean love in the broadest sense - not just the love for one person, but loving what you do on a daily basis, loving yourself, loving where you are, loving the people you share your life with.

Another way to say the same thing is that life is meaningful if you have something - hopefully many things - to feel enthusiastic about. It may be spending time with your favourite person, playing with your kids, or with your dog, or your daily work, or a project or hobby. Since each person is unique and different, there is no recipe for what will give meaning to every person. I am enthusiastic about things that are of no interest to other people, and vice versa.

So I would say that it is about finding and exploring what you most love to do. It is important to connect, be it with other people, animals, nature or even ideas. It is about being active and productive, whether with your hands, your mind, or in relating to other people.

What is the meaning of life?

by Avdotya
Posted on 9 June, 2000.

Let us ask ourselves some questions which could help us understand the topic:

Q. When do we think of the meaning of life, under what circumstances?
A. Usually we think of it when we realise that we are getting old (or older), when we feel deep stress or depression. In other words when we feel emotionally uncomfortable or afraid of death.

In our teenage years we usually ask that question in order to raise our self-esteem and to feel important.

Q. What is the reason for asking the question?
A. To calm ourselves down, to feel emotionally stable and comfortable facing unpleasant moments of life during stress and depression, as well as the fear of inescapable ageing, sickness and death.

The answer to the question of the meaning of life comes from the above-mentioned two questions:

The meaning of life is in finding how to escape emotional discomfort, depression and stress, and how to prolong our life, making it as meaningful as possible in order to keep ourselves happy. The highest manifestation of the meaning of life is the sense of happiness.

When you are happy you do not ask the question of the meaning of life. So long as you are happy there is no need to ask that question. This means that the question of the meaning of life is the product of our lack of happiness and emotional discomfort.

Be happy and make others happy, so that they would help you be happy in return!
Do not smile if smiling makes you feel bad; you can poison with your smile.
Do not laugh just to pretend that you are happy.
Try to generate happiness inside yourself by talking with people you like or love, and letting them enjoy their time with you.

The Question of the Meaning of Life

by Raghunathan

Posted on 16 June, 2000.

The question about the meaning of life arises at many levels. At the fundamental level, it is an existential probe. It is about our seeming loneliness in the universe and our relationship to it. Many great religions and philosophers dealt with the question at this level.

At a less fundamental level, it is about the purpose of our individual lives, its relationship to nature and other beings with which we find ourselves entwined in life. It is also about the existence of God and his/her nature and relationship to us. At a trivial level, it is an outlet to deal with the depressions, failures and disappointments in our lives.

All of us ordinary people deal with the question at these two levels. There is also the possibility that life has no meaning at all, and it is the human mind which tries to ascribe meaning to it because of its inability to contemplate the possibility of leading an existence that is just a series of chance events. The idea that love and happiness are the answers to this vexing question is true only if you want to restrain yourself from asking deeper questions as to whether the love and happiness that we experience are illusions in themselves.

I feel that everyone who is bothered by this question must find the answers for themselves at their own level of development. It may turn out that one might find an answer that is at a trivial level but as far as he/she is concerned it would still be a real answer thereby reducing this angst. And the person may stay at this level for the rest of his life in which case the question has been 'solved ' as far as he/she is concerned. On the other hand, if the person develops further to a point where this answer is no longer an answer, then he can rejoin the search for an answer.

Summing up, I guess I am saying that there are no answers to the question, as well as that there are a million answers.

Meaning and happiness

by Carla Dubiel
Posted on 12 July, 2000.

Jewelled scarab

It seems to me that meaning and happiness are closely related.

Meaning cannot come from outside oneself but from within. When people say, "This is boring, that is boring," it suggests that they are bored with themselves. Just as we have to invest interest in things, we have to invest or invent meaning.

Meaning grows; the more a person develops it, the more meaning is revealed to them. That is why some older people can have more meaning in their lives, having developed it over many years. When one is young, one is searching for everything - oneself, a profession, partner, success, acceptance. Happiness and meaning hide behind all these other things, and might elude you.

We need to know ourselves and our needs in order to find meaning, for meaning is not 'out there'. This is why it is more difficult for rich people to find meaning; they think it comes from things. One may buy a nice house, but if one does not enjoy life then it will not make one happy. To find out what has meaning for one is to learn about oneself in a deep way.

For the majority of us fulfilment comes from having and raising children. In general, we derive much meaning from helping others. Though this is fulfilling, it might still not entirely satisfy us. But our meaning cannot just be centred on other people; we must also focus on our own needs, so as to realise our own inner potential. Sometimes we deceive ourselves when we are helping others, thinking we are "only doing it for them", whereas in reality our motives are mixed. An indication of this is when we resent it if the recipient is ungrateful. Such self-denial leads to resentment.

If our life is unbalanced then we are busy chasing after only one area of life and all the others suffer. I do not think we can derive enduring happiness from just one part of life, such as work or children. There is much to be said for the Greek ideal of balance. Workaholics lack the contrast because they do nothing but work. We need to find a balance.

Another vital element that gives us meaning is love - loving oneself and loving others. For many of us it is easier to love other people than to love ourselves. To realise and fulfil our own needs, as mentioned earlier, is part of loving oneself.

Happiness, in my opinion, is something that needs to be shared. I have read about how hostages, such as Anderson and Keenan, reflected on their lives while they were imprisoned and helpless. What sustained them were not their professional successes, but the love they had shared with their families and special moments, such as the birth of a child.

The choice of the right partner is also crucial, since it allows one to work on the relationship once the romantic 'in love' phase is over. This takes time, so if one is a workaholic then one's relationship will suffer. One needs to have a fertile ground on which happiness can grow.

Even if we have love, it may still not be enough to make us happy. The trap is that the more things we desire, the more voracious we are, the less happy we will be. The external trappings will not make us happy.

I think that it is harder for people who do not read, do not listen to beautiful music, or who are passive, to find meaning. Beauty, whether in music, art, nature or an activity, is an inspiration.

However, we should not think that what made us happy twenty years ago will continue to make us happy. This is like returning to the same place for a holiday, or to a piece of music that meant a lot to us in our youth. The magic cannot be repeated. We are harder to satisfy than it would appear. Meaning is not something we can capture and keep. It needs to be regenerated all the time.

Closely linked to meaning is having the right values, such as love, a connection with others, and not pursuing money as an end. It is easy to get trapped by materialism; then our ideals are compromised. If we have a high mortgage, this might adversely affect our life, inducing us to work unearthly hours and hence sacrificing family life.

If we choose the wrong partner, then our values become suspect. Because we are struggling with our partner, we might have to be dishonest. We will not even get to the question of what meaning is. The vast majority of people in the world do not have the luxury of thinking about meaning because their lives are a daily struggle for existence.

To help us find meaning it is valuable to discover what our passion is. As I see it, the difference between a passion and a hobby is that you steal time for a passion, whereas a hobby is just an enjoyable pastime. Many people in the West are happy to allocate their time to work and duties, but not to 'unprofitable' activities.

In my own case, my profession, teaching Egyptian and other Ancient History, has given me great fulfilment because I am teaching this fascinating material to students. I have also been fortunate to discover a passion for working in silver, which led me to develop myself in many other areas relating to design and manual skills. Many people profess to envy my creativity, but I am convinced that the potential to be creative is in all of us. Persevering with it, especially in the beginning, is the hard part, as it takes years to achieve really high standards.

Another important component contributing to meaning is contrast. For example, if trekking up a mountain is followed by a good meal, this generates a feeling of achievement and pleasure. Pleasure needs to be offset by contrast. It cannot be more and more, because ironically, it becomes less and less. The very nature of pleasure is fleeting. Similarly, happiness is momentary. One cannot expect perpetual happiness.

I envy those developed individuals who avoid the trap of prevailing values, living instead a life that is both meaningful and pleasurable; a life of service as well as enjoyment. Such people are "artists of life". They draw others to themselves, because of their capacity for fun and high achievement. They live their life in a creative way.

What is the meaning of life?

by Angie

Posted on 23 June, 2001.

First, what do we mean by "meaning"? I think that it means a sense of fulfilment and happiness; a feeling of peace and contentment. A person who feels life is meaningful is happy with the "now." That doesn't mean everything is perfect or even acceptable, but the person has hope for the future and believes that he or she can contribute to that future.

In my opinion, life becomes more meaningful as we become unified with God and the universe. I believe that God is n-dimensional, and our souls are n-dimensional also. Our souls seek to unite with God, and our bodies seek to become more familiar with the 3-dimensional space we inhabit. Thus we have a 2-fold means of attaining happiness and meaning in our lives: meditation and contemplation for our souls, and scientific study for our bodies. Through meditation we are able to guide our souls into the multi-dimensional "space" outside the physical world. God is omnipresent and omniscient; all we have to do is open ourselves to God. As we become unified with God, we become more like God -- loving, forgiving, creative, kind, gentle, peaceful. This process naturally results in helping others (perhaps through volunteering or other altruistic pursuits) and giving love (to our families, our friends, and even our enemies). From this point of view, spirituality becomes more important than religion. Religious doctrines are useful to the extent that they help the individual become closer to God.

Scientific study allows us to become more unified with the physical world. The more I know about this space I live in, the more I feel a part of it. One must understand something thoroughly in order to truly belong to it. Also, the world becomes less of a threat to me as I gain knowledge of it. Although all people are not suited for full-time scientific research, I think it is beneficial for all of us to learn as much science as we are able, and to keep learning about new discoveries throughout our lifetimes. Feeling connected to the physical world leads to conservation of resources, concern for endangered species, and interest in the problems of population growth as we begin to realise that whatever takes place in the rest of the world will eventually affect us in some way.

What is the meaning of life?

by Phil Harrington

Posted on 29 March, 2006.

I think that we are misled by the question. Just because the question is asked does not mean that there is a "Meaning". Birth is death foretold, the time in between may be short or long, pleasant or unpleasant. Most people on this earth are too hungry or too much in pain to be worried about such questions and to suggest there is a "Meaning" to their pain and hunger is to add to their burden.

Those who ask the question usually find an answer that suits their disposition. Sometimes they find the answer in other people's beliefs, like religion. There is no "True" answer to the question, for each of us has their own world to search. Embryo fertilisation is a casual affair and to believe that a particular union of sperm and embryo has a particular meaning or purpose is to stretch the imagination beyond belief.

Truth is a point of view. Change you viewpoint, change your view.

"You've got to find what you love", says Steve Jobs

Jobs gave a wonderful speech at Stanford in June 2005.

"Questioning the question"

by Paul Meyers

Posted on 12 December, 2010.

Wow, what a thought provoking question. Love these kinds of questions. I would answer it but the answer requires a non symbolic form (not using words). That's a cop out if ever I heard one. If someone can say the meaning of the question, that would be a form of answer to the question. If you don't accept a duality in the nature of existence (there is only one thing) the answer is right in front of your nose. A person once asked me what comprises the one thing and I answered that asking that question implies that there is a duality to nature (the one thing - nature and what it is made of). Also asking the meaning of life implies that there are two things, life and its meaning. I hope the meaninglessness of the question is displayed in my ramblings. Or:--- The meaning of life is being able to ask such a great meaningful question and take great pleasure in thinking about it. I love it!!! I wonder if God wonders about the meaning of being God.

The Meaning of Life, according to the School of Life

author unknown

Posted on 29 December, 2018.

This is a condensed version of the text taken from the School of Life.

Meaning is to be found in three activities in particular: communication, understanding and service.

We are, by nature, isolated creatures and it appears that some of our most meaningful moments are to do with instances of connection: with a lover, for example, when we reveal our intimate physical and psychological selves, or when we form friendships where substantial truths about our respective lives can be shared. Or on a journey to a new country, when we strike up a conversation with a stranger and feel a thrilling sense of victory over linguistic and cultural barriers.

Meaning is found through understanding. This is about the pleasure that can be felt whenever we correct confusion and puzzlement about ourselves or the world. We might be scientific researchers, or economists, poets or patients in psychotherapy; the pleasure of our activities stems from a common ability to map and make sense of what was once painfully unfamiliar and strange.

One of the most meaningful things we can do is to serve other people, to try to improve their lives, either by alleviating sources of suffering or else by generating new sources of pleasure. So we might be working for a company that’s making a modest but real difference to people’s lives by helping them get a better night’s sleep, finding their keys or thrilling them aesthetically with elegant furniture or harmonious tunes. Or else our service might be to friends or our own families, or perhaps the earth itself.

We need to have relationships with others: not necessarily romantic ones (that’s been way overdone in our society), but connections of some kind where the important things are shared. It might, of course, be relationships with books or songs.

We also need to have a culture conducive to fostering an understanding of oneself and the world. The enemies of this include being surrounded by mass media that throws out chaotic information or an academic environment that promotes dead, sterile investigations.

We need to have good work, which means a world filled with businesses and organisations geared towards not just profit, but the assistance and genuine improvement of human kind.

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